
Saturday, March 24, 2012


A message from Tina: I like the name “Team Mike” because that is what we are…..Mike’s team.  I for one know that I could not have gotten through the past two weeks without all of your kind words, prayers, positive spirits, providing dinners, offering to watch our kids, picking up groceries, or just checking in with me.  You have helped to keep me afloat so that I in turn could be strong for Mike.  In addition, Mike is able to focus on his own recovery when he knows that his family is being well taken care of.   For his part, Mike is working hard to regain his strength and energy.   As you can imagine he is getting a bit sick of the hospital and desperately wants to come home!   At this point we are just waiting for his white blood cell count to go up so that his immunity will be stronger.   The only bump in the road is that none of his siblings were an exact stem cell match to Mike but we are confident that we will soon find a true match among the 58 “possible matches” within the National Marrow Donor Program.   Keep on sending us positive energy….together we’re on our way to beating this!
Mike said that he wanted to share our first bit of good news with you all…..    
A message from Mike: I would like to thank you all for your thoughts, prayers and support you’ve given to me and my family over the past two weeks.  I am happy to report that I have now accomplished my first goal.  I found out yesterday that my treatment has put me in partial remission (which means at this time there is no evidence of Leukemia cells in my blood) and I am hopeful that the next bone marrow biopsy in two weeks will find me in full remission.  This was the first important hurdle to overcome so that my family and I can now focus on my upcoming stem cell transplant.  I am most likely going to have to receive more treatments in the near future to keep me in this state of partial remission prior to the transplant.  Therefore, your continued prayers and support are greatly appreciated.  See you all soon!
Love, Mike


  1. Kendall and Linda SmithMarch 24, 2012 at 4:18 PM

    So glad to have this website to get all the updates, Mike & Tina. We celebrate with your good news and continue praying for a total healing (and a quick match with a bone marrow donor). God bless you and your family. We both love you SO much, Ken & Linda (AKA Dad & Mom)

  2. Mike and Tina...
    Know you are in our special thoughts and prayers.
    Sending a big hug your way...
    Love you
    Jeannine(Rorro) and family

  3. Mike and Tina,

    Lauren and I have have both of you in our prayers each day. Today’s update is welcome news; your strong positive attitude is a source inspiration to all. Mike, I have no doubt that your inner strength and ability to overcome any challenge in your path will lead you to beat this challenge. You are no doubt the Captain of team Mike (OK, well that is when Tina is not in the room).

    Keep up the good fight,

    Dean Ackermann

  4. Aileen (Crispano) BrothertonMarch 25, 2012 at 4:30 PM

    So sorry to hear that you and your family are going through this. I have no doubt you will conquer this especially with all of the positive energy coming FROM you and also the positive energy coming FOR you. Unfortunately, I am donating blood and being tested for marrow match for a 10 year old boy from our town, also stricken with Leukemia. I am having this done thru a blood drive with Morristown Medical Blood Donor Services. Is there any way that I can find out if my blood/platelets, marrow can be of any help???
    Say the word.......
    Thinking of you

  5. Hi Mike.

    So glad to be able to get in touch with you. We have been praying for you many many times each day. We have given the prayer to literally everyone we know. You know how much we love you and how much you mean to us. There is no question that you are one of our favorite people. I'm making lasagna for Easter and will make a tray just for you. I think you still love my cooking. I will also make anything you desire, (Chicken parm, seafood sauce, etc.) let me know and it's yours.

    With much love and many, many prayers,

    Joe and Glo

  6. We love you Michael. Keep it up. We know you can do this! Since we're talking about food..........already anticipating our next feast together. Don't worry, I'll stay out of the kitchen.


    Pam and Cottos

  7. Mike and Tina,
    Michael, you are one of the first little boys i ever remember being friends with at St. C's and T, always one of my nearest and dearest in HS, together you guys are unbeatable. We say your prayer daily and hold you in our hearts.
    much love and strength,
    Tracey(Connolly)Morin and family

  8. Mike,
    we continue to pray for of you & your family everyday. you are a true & wonderful person with a heart of gold. stay strong & stay positive!

    with love,

    Liz (Behar) Cox

  9. Uncle Mike -- I wish I could be there in person to help cheer you on and give you a big hug! I'm SO happy to hear that you are in partial remission. I know you're going to be fine, never has a doubt crossed my mind. If you or Tina or the kids need anything, just say the word.


  10. Michael,

    I am so happy to hear this good news. Please know that you are in our prayers every day and night. Sending you lots of positive thoughts and much love. Proud to be a member of Team Mike!

    With much love,

    Alice (Johnson) Quinlan and Family

  11. Mike, Tina and family

    We are thinking and praying about you every day. You are like family to us. We love you and know that you are going to beat this. Stay strong, many great days ahead.

    The Mangini Family

  12. Mike and Tina...

    My thoughts and prayers are with you now and always. My heart is with you at this trying time. All my love to you guys.. YOU WILL BEAT THIS Mike.. Just know you got a world of people behind you...

    The Avaregan Family

  13. Mike and Tina -

    We are running alongside you on the sidelines cheering on Team Mike. We are here for anything you need, and continue to say Mike's Healing prayer daily. We can't wait to celebrate the victory after your big win!!

    Your biggest fans - The Patton family

  14. Mike,

    So happy to hear of the progress. Continued prayers and positive thoughts being thrown out to you and the family. Can't wait to watch you put Matt Noble in an arm lock again.

    Love the Fremders

  15. Keep kicking ass, Mikey!
    Tom Lavin and family

  16. Mike:
    So happy to hear the great news. I am constantly praying for you, your family and a speedy recovery. Can't wait to see the smiling face we all know and love. Be strong my friend.
    Love, Cynthia Hall

  17. Mike:
    Please know that you are still in my prayers and thoughts. Meet you at the finish line. You are already a winner just waiting for your prize. (a quick match with a bone marrow donor) God bless you Mike and Tina and family.
